Auditors and Mentors
Industry experts that are here to help
SALSA Auditors and Mentors are professionals with proven food industry experience in the categories they will be auditing. To verify this, all our Auditors and Mentors must have been accepted by the IFST Register of Professional Food Auditors and Mentors (RPFAM).
Every SALSA-Approved member undertakes an annual audit against the SALSA Standard. The audit is appropriate and proportionate to the size of the business, and unlike standards under EN45011 accreditation, SALSA Auditors can provide advice and guidance to the supplier during an audit - just as those Auditors working directly for the Buyer usually do.
Affordability for small businesses is a key feature of the SALSA Scheme. Therefore, we match our members to local auditors and mentors with the appropriate sector qualifications and experience.
As an auditor, I have worked with SALSA since the original launch in 2007 with around 750 audits completed. I find the scheme to be well supported and professionally led by a diligent and qualified team. The audit process is based on sound technical application and the whole process supports diligent operators in demonstrating compliance through their achievement in gaining certification. Rather than simply checking compliance, the ethos continues to be supportive and helpful for our suppliers.
Jerry Diplock, SALSA Auditor & Mentor since 2007
Over 80 Auditors and Mentors Nationwide
Sarah De Wit
SALSA plus Cheese Auditor and Mentor
Crawford Sibbald
SALSA plus Beer Auditor and Mentor
Ian Purse
SALSA Auditor and Mentor
Support from the Start
SALSA Auditors are also experienced mentors who can guide and support your business.
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